Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Parker 8 Weeks

My baby is already 8 weeks old. It is totally flying by. He is such a great baby. He sleeps for 6 hours at night, and after I feed him, he will sleep another 3. He is super happy and now laughs; it is the best. We went to the doctor last week and he is enormous. Gavin was always scrawny...very low percentile...Parker is another story. He was off the charts for length, 24 1/4 inches, he grew three and a half inches in 7 weeks. For weight he was 12.5 lbs, he gained 4 pounds. He is 95% for weight and off the charts for length. Gavin was always 20th for weight and 80th for length. Gavin better watch out Parker is going to pay him back for all the early torture. 

Today we went to the Wild Animal Park. It was really fun. Right when we parked the car and I unloaded the boys into the stroller I discovered that we only had one crock for Gavin. Where was his other shoe. I know we put both on before we left the house. I looked all throughout the car, no crock! Do we just bail and go home, or does Gavin go without shoes? Well we were already there, so he went without shoes. We looked in all the gift shops for shoes and they had flip flops, but they were $20 and this kid already has 3 pairs AT HOME! So thank goodness Gavin was in an obedient mood and stayed in the stroller the whole time! We then went on the tram ride. I don't know what I was thinking. All by myself with Gavin and Parker. My brilliant idea was to take the tram ride and nurse Parker, and Gavin would be somewhat restrained. Oh no! I am nursing Parker and Gavin is jumping on the seat and straddling the door saying "ye ha Mommy, like a horse!" I am trying to grab Gavin, not laugh at his silly comment as well as not completely expose my boob! These poor people must have thought I was crazy! It was fun, it really was. I am still trying to figure out outings with 2 boys!

I love being a mom! It is the hardest most rewarding profession. As we got home from the WAP I put Gavin down and played with Parker. Gavin starts screaming and yells, "Mommy!" I give him a few minutes and then realize he is really upset and overtired. I jump in bed with him and snuggle him until he falls asleep. Both boys are now sound asleep. It is in those little moments of responding to a crying baby or a scared toddler, and knowing that you are the only one who can calm them. It is not Daddy or anyone else, your kids always want Mommy; well for now anyways. I will take all those moments in and store them in my heart for the teenage years when they will be too cool for me and I no longer will be the most important person in their life. They will find another women to love, and I will be left in the dust! Oh man! The Trace Atkins song is so true..."You're going to wish these days hadn't gone by so fast." Enjoy your little ones!

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