3 months later...Gavin finally realized going potty was way better than having a yucky, wet diaper! We have been wearing underwear instead of diapers when we are at home for quite a while now...with plenty of accidents! I was on the verge of giving up, until yesterday! I always take his diaper off and put his underwear on when he wakes up. So we did that and he said, "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" So I said (while I was getting breakfast ready), "Ok go, I will be right there." Then I heard, "Mommy I went poop!" I was thinking, sure you did. Then I went into the bathroom and HE DID! After that he went pee, and he even went to the movie with my mom and stayed dry! Today he went poop and pee when he got up all be himself! Could this be really happening? Is Gavin really potty trained?! I am so excited. Every time he goes on the potty, I start shouting with excitement, and he looks at me like, what is the big deal? Oh, if he only knew!

I wanted to give him something for doing such a good job on the potty, so I rummaged through the Christmas gift box and found these Spiderman sippys I was going to put i n his stocking. So there you have it!

It came with 2, so Gavin said Parker needed one too! Good sharing!
(Very distracted, as usual...he loves his new sippy cup!)